Monday, July 25, 2011

Proud Mama!

So despite my leg throbbing to beat hell here, my girls brought home great news! Alex is in the gifted and talented program and both girls tried out for and made the performing arts club! Alex is also trying out for the school play and should have no problems making it since she is a full on drama queen!

I know I dont tell the girls this enough but I am VERY proud of them! Time to help with homework!

long time, no write...

So its been awhile since I last blogged. I have been busy with menial tasks around here...

The latest news is that I blew my MCL. Not fun, in a brace from my ankle to my thigh and I have my weapons of mass destruction, AKA the crutches...I am starting PT soon and then an MRI sooner or sucks and it hurts. The medications make me drowsy and still dont kill the pain much....

Friday I was scheduled for an US for the endometriosis at HMC West. Had a full bladder, was told when I checked in that the tech "was running late". I took that to mean she had a patient that took longer than expected. No...she had car problems and still wasnt there when I left at 930 am after waiting an hour...thankfully they rectified the situation by doing it on Saturday. Still, a phone call wouldve been nice!!!

Ok...I am starting to drift off because of the Percocets so I will write more later...I swear!!!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

why does she act like this???

I am sitting here listen to Alex whine like a damn 2 year old...and for whatever reasons, God only knows! I just got back from the dentists office and my jaw is throbbing as it my head is throbbing. I hate these moods of hers...and now Madysen is screaming at Matt for no reason...if we didnt fight in this house at least once a day, I would think I were in the wrong house...Oh well. Dinner is ready....Welcome to a day in my life....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

lazy sunday

We are spending a lazy sunday here. Matt is at work...I am still not used to this Sunday-Thursday crap yet...oh well. The girls are playing in the pool that we set up again on Friday, I am doing laundry, working on an afghan and watching Bridezillas on WE, dreading and planning the upcoming week. For someone who stays at home, I sure stay busy...makes me wonder how I did it all and work a 40 hour work week at one point...I am utterly exhausted these days and I am not sure if its the Lupron or just being over extended with the girls.

Tomorrow I have nothing planned and I fully intend to keep it that way. Need to walk the girls to school to drop off a lunch payment and Madysen's meds at the health room, Tuesday I have another dental appt at 330, Wednesday I'm getting my hair cut, have a volunteer orientation at the school, errands to run, eye doctor at 330 pm in Kapolei. Thursday, finish running the errands that I dont get done on Wednesday and then relaxation! Friday I have an Ultrasound at 900 am and then Matt and I are headed to Teddy's Burgers in Aiea for lunch and then a lazy day from there. Saturday we are having a friend and her family of Matt's over for lunch and a play date for the girls. I dont know when I have time to breath to be honest...

It was a busy week for me here though too...Chris and I went to Teddy's yesterday for lunch, Friday we ran a handful of errands all morning, Thursday we just relaxed!

The girls spent ALL DAY in the pool yesterday and are on track to spend all day in it again today. It made for a crabby Alex last night and her attitude was in the tank all night. She has become more defiant and arrogant towards Matt and I these past few weeks and Im not sure I like it...I dont know if its the age, a school influence and friends influence or what but she was my sweet natured little girl about a year ago...

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Ive been finding plenty of things to keep myself busy now that the girls are back in school! I have started another afghan, continued with the scrapbooking and I also just started a new counted cross stitching project that is going to take me forever to get done. I need to get to Office Max so I can blow up the pattern. My eye sight is going horrible...another sign of getting older!

I had to give Fred a hair cut last night...he rolled in something dead and it wouldnt come out with a simple soap and water treatment. He is super irritated with me but we've started calling him "Butch" now and it just irritates him even more! And they say cats are stupid animals! Matt told me he is going to have a complex. Too late, I think he already does! =)

I found a friend on Facebook who I havent talked to in about 20 years! It was great to catch up with Cara through Facebook messaging!! It seems like that part of my life was a lifetime ago...then again, it was....

The girls have doctors appts today...I am dreading taking them because they each need a shot and Madysen is going to freak out! My friend Christine is here though so between her, Matt and I, we should be able to hold her down! I hope...there will be a follow up blog post to that tonight!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

no longer needed??

I am sitting here trying to figure out what my purpose truly is around here anymore...I sat down with the girls when they got home from school yesterday afternoon to help them with their homework. Alex informed me that they were big girls now and didnt need my help....I overslept this morning and I got up at 700 am. When I came down, the had their lunches made and breakfast ate. My friend Christine said they are at the age of independence. So, what am I supposed to? Just sit here and make sure they dont burn the house down and provide a taxi service to them for their activities??? I feel as if I really dont have much of a purpose here these days except to make sure they are safe and to make dinner for them. They even do their own laundry now! Its funny, I couldnt wait for their independence to bloom but now that it has, I wish they didnt have as much! It was so sad yesterday...Tigger (their cat) walked around upstairs from room to room looking for them and then she came back downstairs and sat the front door and waited and watched before noon. She finally gave up around 11 am and curled up next to me on the couch. When they got home though, she was real quick to run to them and lick them to death and then laid at their feet while they did homework...Today she is just resigned to the fact that she will have to wait until 230 to lick them to death!

The Lupron shot wasnt as bad yesterday as I thought it was going to be....the side effects though this morning are killing me...I am not sure whats worse, the side effects from the endometriosis or the side effects from the shot. I am hoping this really works though so I can get on with my life...drug induced menopause at my age isnt how I pictured gliding into my 30's either...(one month from today for those who are keeping track...) I am going through a depressive period I think and realizing that while my kids are getting older and no longer really need me, I am also not going to be able to have anymore kids either, unless we adopt which isnt out of the question yet. I am trying to convince my sister to start trying but she is too damn afraid of turning out like my mom....I told her that was a freaking cop out and we both knew it...I hope she has an epiphany before its too late...I know she is young yet but I am not getting any younger and neither is Matt. I know he'd like to be able to enjoy their kids too...then again, it does have its advantages...the girls are the only grandchildren really on my side plus Phil and Danielles kiddos.

Its incredibly warm here again today so I am going to go find a nice cool place to sit down and watch HGTV and work on my next afghan...its coming along already!

Monday, July 11, 2011

first day of school

So today is the girls first day of school for the year...I was OK dropping them off but now I am trying to fill the empty void of 6 hours a day...I went to Wal-Mart this morning which killed an hour, put stuff away when I got home, took the extra leaf out of the table and put that, along with the extra chairs away, marinated pork chops for dinner, put away some laundry, filled out some forms for Alex's soccer club...worked on my next afghan...1 hour until I can go get them.

Their teachers seem nice so thats always a plus. Lets hope it stays that way this my doctors appt at 330 pm for the Lupron today...I am nervous as all get out about it.

This week is going to be traumatizing on again on Wednesday afternoon, doctors appt on Thursday afternoon for school physicals and a booster shot...Madysen will be more traumatized by the shots than Alex will. God help us all and anyone around the doctors office. Lets just put it this way, youll be able to hear Madysen howl through Kapolei.

Tis the life of me!